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Weighing Anxiety

I will be regularly monitoring my weight and decided I needed a separate page for regular updates.   Please click on the Fitness Tracker page at the header of this blog to read about my efforts in reaching my ideal weight and keeping fit.

French Fries

French fries are delicious, but they pack a caloric wallop. The problem is that although they’re most often a side dish, they feature main-dish calories. If you think you’re going to have “just one” or “a couple of bites” and leave the rest, well, you’re mistaken. French fries don’t work like that. Find out what it takes to burn off even a medium order of french fries from your favorite fast-food drive-through.

Medium french fries: 380 calories

 Exercise Equivalents

* Walking: 98 minutes
* Biking: 54 minutes
* Running: 40 minutes

 To make matters worse, one order contains 22 grams of fat and 57 grams of carbs! And remember: You’re adding a side of fries to a usually already hefty sandwich or burger. That burger and fries meal alone could rack up more than a thousand calories — busting your calorie bank for the whole day!

This is called the Ian Knot. My shoe laces would always come undone when I  walked fast or while running. Even during the half and full marathons I  ran, I had to stop to tie my undone laces. You know how annoying that can be.

Henceforth, I am going to use this knot and not have to worry about loose or undone laces. It took me several tries to unlearn the way I have always tied, but after several attempts I finally got the hang of it. I must admit, I paused this video several times to get the right way to loop and tie the two ends correctly. In the end, it is really is not complicated, trust me.

Give this a try and when you figure out how to do this right, you will realise how simple, yet effective the knot is.

Update: I ran 15 miles with this knot on Sunday (Apr 12) and walked 3 miles the next day during my lunch time at work wearing formal shoes with the same knot. I am happy to share that this knot did not come undone even once.


I have started running at the Marina beach in the mornings. I jog from Anna Square to Light House and back. I complete it in about 38-40 mins. My pre and post jog walks are about 20-30 mins. I feel refreshed.

However, a word of caution – unlike this picture, don’t go near the water in the mornings. Men, and I repeat men, are seen relieving themselves at the shore. My guess is they are fisher folk and vendors who sell their wares in the evenings at the beach and sleep overnight.

Marina does have a beach patrol, but sadly they turn a blind eye to this spectacle. Thankfully there is no stench in the mornings. I usually reach the beach a little before 6am. There are lots of people walking, jogging, playing, doing yoga, karate, boxing, laughing (humour club) etc.,

The corporation swimming pool near Anna Square charges Rs. 15/- per session, though I have not tried it yet.

The who’s who of Chennai are supposed to be at the beach at that hour, though I am yet to bump into a celebrity. Were it not for the beach, Chennai would be unlivable.

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