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May 1st: I am aiming to run at least 100 miles this month. This ticker is to keep track of my mileage.


May 01 : 9 miles
May 02 : 4 miles
May 04 : 9 miles
May 07: 8.65 miles
May 08: 2.85 miles
May 09: 5 miles (insomnia run, I couldn’t sleep so went for a run before dawn)
May 10: 6 miles
May 11: 9 miles
May 13: 7 miles
May 16: 5 miles
May 17: 7 miles
May 18: 3.12 miles (ran a 5k)
May 20: 5 miles
May 25: 10 miles
May 28: 5 miles
May 29: 6.1 miles
May 31: 6.3 miles
Total: 111.5 miles

Click here for larger image

Christopher McDougall’s Born to Run book started the fad on barefoot running. Since then, I had been considering buying a minimalist shoe like Vibram Five Fingers or something similar. However, all of them are upwards of US$100. The above strip completely reflects my own thoughts on such shoes. I agree barefoot running is more natural to the human feet, but can’t understand why these shoes are so darn expensive!

Reminds me of Sarojini Naidu quote – Its costs a lot to keep Gandhi poor!

Official Stats:
13.1 Miles
2:17:30 Minutes
10:36 Pace

My Garmin Stats:
13.21 miles
2:15:01 Minutes
10:13 Pace


Pic: The waterfront after mile 11

I had run this race last year too, but when I signed up again this year, I had wanted this to be a training run for my 2010 NYC Marathon.

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Start: 6:30am at Central Park, Upper East Side

Temp: 57 °F

Thanks to Gautham again who not only convinced and motivated me to join the run, but ran with me the whole distance. Even when I was slowing down due to tiredness and pain he ran alongside and kept encouraging me. I finally completed the 23 miles run. It was physically and mentally tough, but I am glad I finished the run. The weather helped as it was not too warm.

With one more long distance run (26 miles) , I am back to my training schedule in preparation for NYC Marathon.

I ran with my Galloway group and we finished where we started at Central Park on the upper east side. As I sat down on the bench to rest my tired legs and recover my breath, I beheld a strange sight. I saw this white statue of a ballerina that I had not noticed before.


From where I sat, I kept looking at her still pose and was wondering when this statue was installed. I wanted to go closer and take a better look, but my legs were aching and sitting on the bench felt very good. I kept looking at the statue for what seemed like an eternity and then she gracefully moved to strike another pose! That’s when my curiosity got the better of me and I went closer and took the above picture. There was a bucket which can be partially seen on the left corner bottom. It said ‘please donate a dollar if you wish to take a picture’. We did donate. I was amazed by her stillness and grace.

I was happy to complete 23 miles though I was aching and sore all over.

My next goal – Newport Liberty Half Marathon on Sept. 26th.

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